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School Uniform

Recycled school uniform is now available, just call the school office for more information on 01482 374367.  


Please note: There is no requirement for children to wear school uniform embroidered with the school logo. Please feel free to purchase non-branded school uniform from local supermarkets to avoid unnecessary costs.


Girls Unifrom Requirements

Grey or black smart trousers 

Grey skirt or pinafore slip 

Green and white gingham dress (Summer term)   

Green sweatshirt/Green Cardigan

White polo shirt or white shirt (tucked in)



Boys Uniform Requirements

Grey or black smart trousers

Grey or black smart shorts 

Green sweatshirt 

White polo shirt or white shirt (tucked in) 

Black non-branded shoes/trainers 


For PE

Black shorts 

White T-shirt 

Trainers (Indoor) 

Trainers (outdoors) 


Jewellery and Make-up

Jewellery is not to be worn. Children with pierced ears should not wear earrings for school. If this is not possible children should wear 1 small pair of stud earrings. These must be removed for P.E. if this is not possible staff will use tape. We do not allow children to wear studs or sleepers on other parts of their body.


Children should not wear nail varnish or make-up when they are at school.


School Uniform Online ordering.

Our school uniform is available to purchase online direct from our suppliers

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